by r'honest | Apr 6, 2019 | 3D PRINTING, ALL, PROJECTS, WORKSHOPS
The OneWorldCitizens foundation promotes social entrepreneurship among youths globally, and connected me to an ambitious young entrepreneur in Barathpur, Nepal called Pradeep Sapkota. Together we’re aiming to transform his current IT center into a technology hub, where he can inspire his community to engage in high-tech projects and agriculture innovation – keeping educated peers from going abroad. We settled on drone technology to get things started, since precision farming is a relatively low-cost, high return approach for agriculture innovation. For the pilot test we acquired a DJI Phantom 4, an easy to use, high quality camera drone. In cooperation with TGD (TU/e’s student association for Technology for Global Development) we organized a Hackathon that focused on getting the most our of this pilot, divided in 4 challenges: data analysis, business models, hardware upgrades and community intergration. All four groups discovered great additional value, but the feasibility prize went to ‘hardware upgrades’ and a team of students who just started the brand new learning line ‘Responsible Innovation in a Global Context’ took on the challenge to build an open source NDVI sensor, which can measure crop health, and can offer the farmers almost instant feedback on their lands’ primary needs – and thus reduce manual labor, one of the biggest issues for this sector in Nepal. I coached the students in their research and development, and since their final presentation they’ve transformed into a social enterprise – adding the software element and preparing the drone for deployment in the field....
by r'honest | Mar 21, 2019 | 3D PRINTING, ALL, PROJECTS
In collaboration with Additive Center and Marketiger a quick and lean development process lead to a pleasant surprise for prime minister Mark Rutte, when he received an ‘unbreakable’, 3D printed vase from his representatives in Brabant as a response to his analogy of The Netherlands being fragile like a (traditional) vase. We explored 3 directions: color, carbon fiber and metal. The decision was made to go for color, since it showed most clearly that Brabant is rising high in making The Netherlands unbreakable. Printed in a water-proof, ABS-like material (remember stepping on LEGO’s? That’s how strong it is)....
by r'honest | Mar 1, 2019 | 3D PRINTING, ALL, PROJECTS, VIRTUAL REALITY
My freelance contract with GameSolutionsLab allows me to work on multiple social innovation projects, from a role as rapid prototyper to applied researcher and beyond. In a 5 month process with the DELA IT innovation team we developed 10 different AI demos and mock-ups for the funeral of the future, with the final presentation in the form of an art-like exposition: For another DELA project I helped develop and test serious games to connect grandparents and grandchildren in a two-day pressure cooker: In a project with Vitalis I developed an interactive VR tour for their upcoming open day, and hope to have inspired them to start exploring what their VR headset has to offer on a daily basis with their clients:...
by r'honest | Feb 27, 2019 | 3D PRINTING, ALL, PROJECTS
For their permanent exposition on ‘What is Design?’ I’ve produced a scale model of the famous IAMsterdam statue using SLS 3D printing...
by r'honest | Feb 22, 2019 | Geen categorie, RESEARCH, VIRTUAL REALITY, WORKSHOPS
Together with Frederik Theuwis I hosted an evening session for around 25 philosophy students and professionals at BANK15 in Tilburg, where we experimented with custom made VR environments to encourage in depth interaction among the participants. With some simple modifications of 360 degree photography we created an alternate dimension of the same space we were in that evening – paired up the players and gave them different challenges. Based on the interactions that took place, participant responses and everyone’s overall enthusiasm the event boosted our confidence that there’s a lot of potential in using VR for abstract research purposes. ...
by r'honest | Jan 31, 2019 | 3D PRINTING, ALL, PROJECTS
The European Supply Chain Forum enables professionals in and around supply chains to create, exchange and integrate knowledge by collectively exploring the future. Fresh Forces supported the development of their new corporate identity, and I joined in to translate the visual elements into a tangible representation. The logo is extended by mirror shapes, representing the three different communities. When connected, the logo becomes a fidget toy – anchoring the core values and community levels on a daily basis. The pieces can also be connected into different shapes – like a (supply) chain – to share their narrative with...
by r'honest | Jan 1, 2019 | 3D PRINTING, WORKSHOPS
I’m regularly invited by SingularityU The Netherlands to host the tech demo about digital manufacturing during their innovation programs. Using 3D printed samples of applications with an interesting story I’m simultaneously showcasing many different printable materials (like metal, full color, ceramics, silicone / rubber, wood, high temp, ultra detail, …). With a complementary visual presentation I bring another 50+ stories with me collected in themes like software, hardware, medical, military, fashion and promising experiments. Sometimes I start 3D scanning the participants, and last time even ended up combining their busts with game- or movie characters – edited on the spot and produced right after. ...
by r'honest | Dec 18, 2018 | 3D PRINTING, ALL, PROJECTS, WORKSHOPS
This year I’ve kept working with Cubiss on a regular basis – on different types of projects; The further development of the playful impact tool ‘Talas‘: Together with the team behind DURF! – an inspiring online magazine and offline platform for innovation in the library sector – I helped develop a new pay-off to explain their corporate identity: DURF: verzamel(t) de moed. “DARE: collect(ed) courage”. Leading a creative session with library leaders about strategic innovation proposals for 2019, applying the Lego Serious Play...
by r'honest | Nov 15, 2018 | 3D PRINTING, ALL, PROJECTS
Together with EKB Someren and TSG Group Eindhoven I developed custom robot hands, product docks and corresponding choreography for a trade fair about precision machining. These 3D printed parts allowed the robot to supply a new keychain to the audience every time one was taken. In between those times it would use the same grippers to open a bottle of beer, grab it, and have a toast with the machine...
by r'honest | Oct 11, 2018 | 3D PRINTING, ALL, PROJECTS
The Lantern is a keychain-sized device that serves as a pop-up communication hub for disaster recovery – over an offline, wireless network. With tools to find supplies, ask for help and volunteer, the Lantern will keep communities organized in pivotal moments of need. I’ve been hired to develop a 3D printed casing that can be shared publicly and produced locally, with more components being added over time as the hardware side of it all is taking shape. It’s amazing to experience great collaboration with people across the Atlantic by means of digital fabrication tools – especially when the product is so inspiring....