by r'honest | Dec 18, 2018 | 3D PRINTING, ALL, PROJECTS, WORKSHOPS
This year I’ve kept working with Cubiss on a regular basis – on different types of projects; The further development of the playful impact tool ‘Talas‘: Together with the team behind DURF! – an inspiring online magazine and offline platform for innovation in the library sector – I helped develop a new pay-off to explain their corporate identity: DURF: verzamel(t) de moed. “DARE: collect(ed) courage”. Leading a creative session with library leaders about strategic innovation proposals for 2019, applying the Lego Serious Play...
by r'honest | Aug 11, 2018 | 3D PRINTING, ALL, PROJECTS
I’m helping Stichting Cubiss Brabant to develop a game that allows low-literate people to build their social world with 2D/3D icons, at the start and end of their Taalhuis program. For the players it serves as a great conversation guide, and for the organization it is a welcome data tool to measure the impact of the program....