R’HONEST | memory marbles

R’HONEST | memory marbles

360 photos turned tangible; memory marbles are a great way to collect your favourite memories as tiny worlds of experience. My first experiments used full color sandstone as the 3D printing material, but the resolution was insufficient to get them small enough to become actual marbles. In collaboration with Marketiger I’ve produced a second series of photo spheres that do the name justice, using Mimaki (3DUJ-553) Material Jetting technology. I also played around with different ways to present the memory marbles: in a jar, on separate stands or on a topographical platform to show the location of each...
BAND MET OUWELAND | Ouweland Expeditie BV

BAND MET OUWELAND | Ouweland Expeditie BV

Ouweland Expeditie BV is a transportation company. This object is a give-away that represents their core identity; The story around it only really works in Dutch, but this is the gist of it: They use different types of vehicles, but they’re all on tyres (tyre = “band” in Dutch). 95% of their work is for returning clients, so they value long term relationships (relationship = “band” in Dutch as well. Ouweland Expeditie specialises in volume transport, and is very keen on delivering high quality service. The design amplifies the speakers of a mobile phone: it literally strengthens your volume. “Een band met Ouweland versterkt uw volume.”    ...
3D STORYTELLING | Metropool Regio Eindhoven

3D STORYTELLING | Metropool Regio Eindhoven

In a collaboration with Ralf Fleuren / Bliqsem we took the team of MRE on a journey to the heart of their corporate story. In one single day we moved from words to symbols to visuals and finally (self-designed) 3D objects. These were 3D printed afterwards and used as tangible tools for dialogue in their developments ahead.  ...
MARQUIS EVENTS | 3D storytelling

MARQUIS EVENTS | 3D storytelling

  3D print of Emmett’s heart gears model (http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:243278). mechanized and adapted with symbols, which allow Marquis Events to explain their corporate identity. The heart represents an event, and instead of looking at events as fragmented occurrences Marquis develops event concepts that move from ideation to event to evaluation to ideation again, moving forward in a continuous dynamic....